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[0.16.36]Freeze on Ubuntu when in fullscrean

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2018 11:34 pm
by Amegatron

When on default Ubuntu 16.04 LTS if you press ALT (by default) - a some kind of "command input" popup appears.

So, when you are in Factorio that global ALT key is still active and besides showing more detailed info ingame - that same command dialog appears (if not in fullscrean).

But, it you are in fullscrean, the game almost complemete freezes after pressing ALT: the image is frozen, but I still hear the in-game sounds. Also, after that freeze keyboard becomes completely irresponsive, meaning I can do nothing: neither alt-tab, nor anything else. All I can do is hard-reset my PC. The game seems to get frozen just visually, because when I was in multiplayer, I heared what was happening (e.g. my friend approached me and I heared his footsteps, he put some coal in the drill and I heard how the drill started to mine).

That really annoys cause I literally can not play in fullscrean in Ubuntu.

Factorio's log shows nothing special, just game initialization.

P.S. Maybe this is relative to this, but in my case I can freely ALT-tab when in full screen, meaning BEFORE I press ALT :D
P.P.S. I also know I can disable global ALT hotkey in system settings, but I still coinsider this a bug.

Re: [0.16.36]Freeze on Ubuntu when in fullscrean

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 1:40 pm
by Oxyd
When I try, pressing Alt simply shows the Dash GUI (or whatever it's called). Pressing alt again makes the GUI disappear and gives focus back to Factorio.

What video card and drivers do you have? If there are any updates available, maybe that could resolve this problem.

Re: [0.16.36]Freeze on Ubuntu when in fullscrean

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 6:42 pm
by rgx
I had similar problems too a while ago, which I think were related to Steam updates, but possibly also other pop-up windows taking focus. At any time, Steam could decide to do an update and lock the screen, and there were lots of updates. The dialog window (if any) would be hidden behind the full screen and out of reach. Alt-Tab wouldn't help.

Try this in Ubuntu: Ctrl + Windows key + D should minimize all windows and take you to the desktop.

The only other option to get out of the situation would be to login from another computer on the console and kill the offending process. Didn't try that myself, I just hard reset the PC, every time.

Re: [0.16.36]Freeze on Ubuntu when in fullscrean

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 12:34 am
by Amegatron
Seems the problem got solved by installing proprietary nvidia drivers. Thanks.
P.S. It turned out that the problem was not Factorio-specific. The same behaviour was in other games in full-screen mode.