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Endgame with "Industries" feels wrong.

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2023 6:52 am
by arbu32

I may have a fundamental misunderstanding. Or maybe I'm missing something. But the endgame with the mod enabled doesn't feel right.

Active mods: Bioprocessing, Industries, Petrochemical Processing, Refining, Smelting

My problem is the production of the "rocket fusion reactor" which are needed to lauch a rocket. To do that, you necessarily need one "deuterium fuel cell". For that you need one "Muon fusion catalyst". But the only chance to get one is by recycling 10 "Used-up thorium fuel cell". However, the chance of getting one is then only at 13,3%. Therefore, I need a ton of "Used-up thorium fuel cell" to build a rocket. In the entire process before that, "Uranium-234" is also produced as a by-product, which has to be processed. The only way to consume this is also in the form of fuel cells.

From all this it follows that I have to consume extreme amounts of energy to keep going. This feels extremely wrong and can't be intentional, can it? Efficiency is punished to the maximum.

Please tell me if I made an error in reasoning.

Re: Endgame with "Industries" feels wrong.

Posted: Tue Mar 28, 2023 1:50 pm
by kingarthur
Nope. It pretty much wastes a ton of energy