[1.1.53] Undoing removal of a wire connected entity doesn't re-set the correct power pole sprite

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Smart Inserter
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[1.1.53] Undoing removal of a wire connected entity doesn't re-set the correct power pole sprite

Post by sparr »

1. Build a medium power pole (A)
2. Build another (B) to the right of it. A's sprite changes to account for the newly connected wire direction, good.
3. Deconstruct B. A's sprite changes back to the original, good.
4. Undo the deconstruction of B. A's sprite should change as in step 2 but does not, bug?

This is relevant to circuit wires also, but the power wire example is easier to describe.

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Re: [1.1.53] Undoing removal of a wire connected entity doesn't re-set the correct power pole sprite

Post by boskid »

Minor issue. I will not be revisiting this before expansion.

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