[1.1.104] Train stop: train count and stopped train with "destination full"

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[1.1.104] Train stop: train count and stopped train with "destination full"

Post by mm.lion »

If a train at a station A is standing with "destination full" for station B, it does count in the train count of station A (as the stopped train), but read stopped train at station A gives T=0. It seems to me that this is wrong. The train with "destination full" at a station should be counted as a stopped train in both cases, or as a non-stopped train in both cases...

I'm not sure if this is a bug or feature...

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Re: [1.1.104] Train stop: train count and stopped train with "destination full"

Post by mmmPI »

To me that sound like a quirk of the current feature, which was announced to have been reworked for the 2.0 version in a recent FFF about trains.

Yes the train is still counted in the train count of the station, this prevent other trains from incoming if the limit is filld, however such train is no longer available for the inserters , its departure logic has been checked, it is showing "destination full" because it was attempting to leave the station, as such it is not counted when you try to read the train id T=0 is showing.

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Re: [1.1.104] Train stop: train count and stopped train with "destination full"

Post by boskid »

Not a bug. Its a feature.

-- edit:

As stated in https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-389 section "Reservation upgrade", this behavior will be even more visible. Right now the train releases departing stop reservation once it find a path to next goal, however in 2.0 it will not release that departing stop reservation until the train is no longer seen in a rail block next to a train stop or (in case of a network with no rail signals) when it arrives to next goal.

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