[1.1.104] Miners can appear empty with probabilistic ore

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Burner Inserter
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[1.1.104] Miners can appear empty with probabilistic ore

Post by PennyJim »

I started creating a auto-miner for DangOreus but with scrap (Scraporio (It not being Scraptorio is a crime))
I was going to rely on reading the resources of the miner to determine when to inch a miner cell forward. Only for my weak patches for testing to be read as empty.

I understand this is a limitation due to signals being 32 bit integers and therefore being rounded down on conversion, but I would hope there's a way to read ore count beneath it or if it's empty.
This may be more of a feature request, but when you're reading a miner you expect an empty signal to mean nothing there is left.

An image example of a miner running but outputting nothing:
Taken with only scrap-resource enabled
Taken with only scrap-resource enabled
Screenshot from 2024-03-01 20-12-23.png (1002.44 KiB) Viewed 342 times

Factorio Staff
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Re: [1.1.104] Miners can appear empty with probabilistic ore

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. I looked into the logic and it seems to be matching how the actual production would work. The amount for items produced is always rounded down so if an ore says it will most likely produce 0, that's what gets shown in the outputs. More specifically: the amount shown in the circuit network output is the "Expected resources" from mining the resource entities. It expects to get nothing. Changing it to always show at least something seems like not a great solution if the actual logic says "it will most likely produce nothing".

Based off your description it sounds like you want a simple "still working" signal.

Otherwise if you think I misunderstood what's happening, could you provide a save file so I can look at your example more?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.

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